01 What We Need

The album kicks off with audio from an interview with Roger Bannister, the runner who broke the four-minute mile in 1954 and who showed the world that it could be done, inspiring others to believe that they could do it as well. The psychological phenomenon inspired the band’s name – especially poignant considering Puleo has spent his professional career coaching athletes. The Bannister interview segues into “What We Need” – a gentle acoustic exploration of love with ethereal backing vocals.

02 Again

A pop-rock skew.

03 Scared

A confession of the fear that, “I’m not so sure I can love you the way that you want me to love…”

04 Complicated

Americana tinged, declares “It’s not complicated… we just have to hang on and breathe”

05 Rainbows

A Flaming Lips inspired cosmic piano ballad that contemplates the fact that “there’s no rainbow, there’s no unicorn…”

06 Happy For You

A tongue in cheek folk-rocker begins the second half of the album and celebrates the relief at the end of a relationship.

07 Flaw In My Design

Sitting somewhere between the rock of early REM, Jane’s Addiction and They Might Be Giants.

08 In Between

Featuring a reverb and vibrato saturated lead guitar line and the singer considering that “the truth is out there between these lines…”

09 The Price We Pay

A darker explosive rocker.

10 A Life I Knew

A sentimental acoustic ballad that declares “I searched myself found peace… a piece of you, a piece of me…”

11 How And When

The album ends with a soft folk-rocker that declares in its mantra refrain, “the answer is yours, and yours alone!”